Meet Kristen: One of my best friends from high school. She was in my wedding, annnnnd is my Son’s Godmother. Made numerous trips back an forth to and from North Carolina. Just for me. Helping me move, homecomings, visiting just because I was simply sad to be alone for ONLY 3 weeks in NC (yeah yeah)… She was there!
Frying our skin on the beach when I was 8 months pregnant (which by the way was the WORST idea ever.) when we had NO intention too. Who knew sitting on the beach for 3 hours in March could do such a thing? 😉 We will NOT be sharing the pictures that came from THAT incident. 🙂 We have a lot of fabulous memories back in high school too. But those memories we will strictly keep to ourselves as well won’t we now Kristen. 😉
Kristen is the friend I want nothing but happiness for. She is the friend that we both know we don’t have to talk every day to know we still have eachother.
I know she will be such a great Momma!
Isn’t she gorgeous!
Boy or Girl? We will find out in just a few SHORT weeks!
All content copyright Sarah Shambaugh Photo. |Formally S&S Photographics|