Behind the scenes


 A few weeks ago I received an email from a Student in Toledo that is majoring in photography. She asked me to answer a few questions for her so I thought I would share in case anyone else wants to know! I hope this helps Melanie!


  • What does a typical work day look like for you? There are two different “work” days for me. One in the hospital and one at home in front of my iMac. At the hospital there is a lot of waiting, and waiting. I usually work on my Macbook while I wait. I typically stay for about 2-3 hours after baby is born. I like to capture the first bath, and for siblings and grandparents to meet baby for the first time. I am usually at the hospital for 10-14 hours. Sometimes more, sometimes less. The longest labor I have had was 17 hours. Momma was in labor for 36 hours but I was there for 17 of them 🙂 My work day at home: is completely different each day haha. I don’t sit down and work every day. I have two kids that don’t allow for that! I try to work on the days my Husband is home or get a sitter. All of which can be exhausting. Any one who works from home and has kids knows how this goes down, lol.


  • Was this the field you intended on going into? Nope. I never intended to  make photography my career actually. When I first started I started as a hobby. Then I started doing weddings. I photographed everything from parties, to weddings, to family photos. It wasn’t until I had my daughter that I realized birth photography was where I needed to be.


  • What has been your favorite project you have done so far? Project, as in birth? My favorite birth. Gosh I have SO many I don’t think I can pick just one. But one of my all time favorites is baby Korbyns here is her link: I think I loved it so much because I really watched Mom and Dad love each other. Not that everyone doesn’t but I could feel it. They were so sweet to watch. Also because Daddy delivered his baby (with the doctors help of course!). It was day time. haha as funny as that sounds, I have SO many night time births, and while I love those too, I am in love with natural light. The light beamed through the windows as if the outside world was full of joy as Korbyn came into this world. Corny I know. But that’s how I see it. 😉 Another reason… BIG brother met Korbyn, and was in love with her. He was so cute to watch. I LOVED this part because it was JUST THEM. Just the new family of four and me behind the lens like I wasn’t even there. No distractions. Just taking it all in as this new family met for the first time. I really hit close to home for me as I remember seeing my son for the first time after my daughter was born. The feeling is indescribable. Projects? I love putting together the slideshows. I love making them fit to music and seeing my final product. If it makes me cry or have goosebumps, I know I’ve done good 🙂


  • What has been your most dreaded project or thing you like to do the least? I HATE burning CD’s. I hate hate hate it. Did I mention I hate it? Soon I will go to online gallery only or to flash drives. Flash drives are expenseive (to me) to order in bulk with my logo on them. So I am working on swallowing that pill! haha


  • How much advertising do you do compared to taking pictures? I don’t advertise much. I use Facebook. Which is getting hard to do because Facebook is basically picking WHO sees your photos you post. It’s annoying. Sometimes, only 400ish people will “see” a post that should reach WAY more than that. The more “likes” or comments a photo gets, the more people it reaches. It’s tricky. It never used to be that way. I also went on a show a few months ago called “Daytime Columbus” with Gail Hogan. I think that was HUGE for my business. I was a nervous wreck but I am so glad I did it! I think it really was a great way to get my name out there a little more! Word of mouth is the best form of advertisement!



  • Do you work with anyone like an accountant or stylist? No I like to do it all myself. haha I am kind of a perfectionist. I like to work with someone for my taxes but that’s about it.


  • Do you work alone or have any employees? I work alone MOST of the time. I do have some of my best friends as back up photographers or second shooters. They have their own business as well. We just kind of help each other out, or host mini sessions together a couple times a year!


  • Have you ever had an intern or done mentoring? I haven’t done either. I have thought about doing mentoring or getting an intern to help with behind the scenes work but haven’t done it. Mentoring is hard for me because, I am hands on. I am self taught. Another photographer helped me learn the concept of shooting in manual mode. but other than that it’s all trial and error. I am not good at explaining things to people. I just know how to do it, not explain it.


  • What type of camera and lenses do you use? I use  canon! 5d mark II. I want to get a 5d Mark III soon though! The shutter click is so much quieter! I mainly use my 35mm 1.4 lens. I have my 50mm 1.2 lens in my bag with me though. I don’t use flash.


  • When shooting in the hospital what do you usually set your camera to? (manual,priority?) ALWAYS ALWAYS Manual mode. A photographer once told me when I was first learning that, THAT is the difference between a professional and a a hobbyist. I also always adjust my white balance.


  • How do you handle the low light in the hospital? High(er) ISO, low(er) shutter speed! I like to keep my F stop around a 2.0


  • How do you decide on your pricing? If this is too personal of a question you do not have to answer. I am still asking myself this question haha. I KNOW I am worth more. I try to be reasonable but Birth Photography isn’t cheap. I try to take into account what other birth photographers are priced at. and how much I value myself and my work. AND my time. It’s very time consuming. People see a the price and see sticker shock. I understand that it isn’t for everyone. and that’s ok. But just like anything in life, if you want it bad enough, make it happen. There are 9 months to prepare for this baby, I have lots of clients paying monthly installments or pay whenever they can!


  • What advice can you give me as I start my career in photography?
     Find your niche. For some it is weddings, for others it’s newborns. For me it is birth. It took me awhile to find this out. But find it! I started to lose my passion behind the lens because I wasn’t completely happy  doing weddings and such. Also, don’t get discouraged. I still struggle sometimes with this! Don’t compare yourself to others. Just work HARD. Promote yourself and don’t give up!  Rome wasn’t built in a day! 😉

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