19 inches long
Born May 19th 12:48am
First and foremost I want to say a huge huge THANK YOU to Jehan of Jehan Inc. photos. Seriously. I owe her my life and then some! 😉
Baby McMahon was due to arrive May 18th. Scheduled induction at Mount Carmel West. One slight curve ball in my baby plan. I had a wedding. And all of typical backup photographers were all at weddings. I KNEW this would happen at some point! And I KNEW it would all work out as well! I began my search for another back up photographer in case I couldn’t make it. I knew Rhonda aka Momma-to-be PROBABLY wouldn’t go too fast since this was her first baby and she was being induced. So I still had high hopes of making it in time. Another fellow photographer friend Ashley, referred me to Jehan. THANKFULLY! I love other photographers that are willing to lend a hand when someone is in need. It makes our lives so much easier knowing we can all have each others back, SO Thank you Jehan for stepping up to plate and doing an AWESOME job. So with that being said… I have to give credit where credit is due. You did a great job girl!