Baby Ava’s birth

A little over two years ago I met Ashley and Zack, at Starbucks. Talking wedding talk. A few months later… I witnessed the two of them say I do. Something just clicked with them. They are fun, laid back (minus Ashley’s laminated itineraries for her wedding day 😉 totally kidding Ash) super sweet and genuine. I was absolutely beyond words when Ashley emailed me for a birth story. It made my heart smile. Seeing the two of them together, happy, and so in love with their new baby girl… made my heart smile even more.

Ashley had kept me up to date after each baby check up. Tuesday Feb 5th. Momma-to be text me that she had just left her weekly appointment and her fluid was low. Therefore she would be induced that night at 7pm. AH! So I begin my routine of setting up babysitters and preparing for the next few hours to be on-call.  I wake up to a text at 6:00am. It was Ash…”we are 5-6cm and 80% effaced”. Ok so my thought is… I better hurry up. The last few births I have had, have progressed quickly after their water is broken. So I get up, get dressed and head to the hospital. 8 hours and a c-section later… sweet Ava finally arrived!

Around 2:30pm the doctors took Ashley and Zack back to the OR. Of couuuuurse… I wasn’t allowed. So I quickly gave Zack a brief photo lesson, switched the camera to auto and handed it over. He did SO good! Pat on your back Mr. Sharp! 😉

Congratulations again to two of the most fabulous people I know. I am so happy I could be there every step. Thank you for having me. 🙂

She is beyond perfection! You did good! 😉

Welcome to the world Miss Ava Elaine.

Avas Birth Story


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