His first breath

It’s amazing. There is absolutely nothing like it. I loved birthing my two children. I loved labor and delivery. I’m crazy, I know I know. But I’d do it over and over again if I could! Nothing compares to the moment you first lay eyes on your child and witness them taking their first breath. It’s amazing to me what our body can do. This time, I got the privilege to be on the other side of things. I was completely honored to witness such a miracle. and yes, it’s just as amazing when it isn’t your own.

Poor Stacey had been in labor all day long. I had the entire day marked off for little Lucas’ birthday. I had a sitter set for my kiddos, and I just waited for the call. Stacey text me at 7:00am shortly after she arrived at The Ohio State Medical Center, where she was set to be induced. (Which btw, I was super excited to go back to the L&D floor where I had just given birth to my beautiful little girl 6 weeks before).

At 7:00am, she hadn’t dilated at all yet so they started the induction.

11:40am, Stacey text “I’m at 1cm now, they will check again in 4 hours”. Oh boy!

At 4:06pm Stacey’s hubby Lucas text, “they are dilating her slowly now”…

7:05pm rolls around… “I am now at 4cm!”

9:35pm “between 4-5, water just broke, they are going to check her again in two hours”

Typically I would start making my way up to the hospital at 5-6cm. I thought it’d be awhile, since poor Stacey had been in labor since 7:00am!

11:30pm comes and I get THE call! ” I’m 10cm dilated! They said I’ll start pushing around midnight!”

WHAT!!?! AH! I knew it! I should have gone the last time she text. I hurried and left my house, and made it to the hospital and in her room by midnight. Stacey started pushing around 12:30… 2 hours  later  at 2:30am little baby Lucas was born at 8 lbs 4 oz. Ah-mazing! It’s completely different watching someone else’s labor and delivery. There is SO much going on when YOU are the one giving birth. It’s hard to really wrap your head around it all! You don’t get to really really soak up what is  going on and what is happening at these exact moments. I can’t say it enough, how miraculous it is. This is one of the reasons why I have this passion for birth photography.  I have a birth story of the day my little girl was born. I totally wish I had one of my son who was born almost 4 years ago 🙁  This is as close as it gets to bottling up every emotion and moment on that day as possible… Enjoy Stacey and Lucas! and thank you, from the bottom of my heart for trusting me with your birth story!

Click HERE to view the Birth Story!

(You’ll notice these images are kind of “grainy” or “noisy” as we photogs call it! It’s because I used no flash and a high ISO. It was so dark in the room at 2:30 in the am! 😉 haha! )





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