natural birth – Sarah Shambaugh Photo Blog Wed, 08 Nov 2017 02:18:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Baby Lennon | Birth day Wed, 28 Oct 2015 15:25:47 +0000 I met Miss Hayley Stell, the beautifully talented photographer based in Tennessee through Facebook. We chatted randomly here and there, she always said that when she gets pregnant she is hiring me. No. Way. Seriously? THE Hayley Stell is saying this to ME!?  It made me so happy. So months later I received a message from her with ultrasound photos. My heart flipped! ” Please tell me this is YOU.”

Then she sends me this…


I was beyond happy for her. They SO deserved this. I prayed and hoped for a beautifully healthy pregnancy for her, and then I prayed I would make it down to Tennessee for her birth. I was SO nervous.  I didn’t want to miss this. I wanted so bad to be there for her. She planned an all natural birth and to labor at home for as long as possible. Did I mention how nervous I was that I would miss this? Ah. Nerve wracking!

The last week in July came around… I was leaving for vacation August 1st so we both began to panic lol.  A few days later, Hayley text me and says she thinks its the beginning signs of labor. After a few hours and timing contractions, she was pretty confident this was it. I left Columbus Ohio and headed to her. its a 6 hour drive so I was hoping we timed this right. Hayley lives almost an hour away from the hospital so we met each other there when she decided it was time to head there. Talk about perfect timing…

 She labored beautifully. In fact, it was the most gorgeous labor I have ever seen. Honestly. I left this birth feeling so full

Doula Heidi – Expecting New Life Birth Services

Hayley Stell Photography

I can’t thank you enough Hayley and Matt for trusting me with Lennons Birth Day. I am so proud of both of you, congrats on your gorgeous family.


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